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Inhalation Disorders You Need to Know

Inhalation is a process where you breathe air into the lungs. Inhalation is part of the respiratory process, and this happens repeatedly at any time automatically to support life. Your lungs will expand and contract to supply oxygen to be circulated throughout the body. The lungs will deflate to remove residual or waste substances called carbon dioxide.

This Is How Breathing Processes Happen

Breathing starts from the nose or mouth. Air can enter the body through the nose or mouth, but it is recommended to use the nose. Furthermore, air enters the throat area called the trachea, and continues to the lungs (bronchi). The process of breathing is assisted by large dome-shaped muscles located under the lungs. This muscle is called a diaphragm, which separates the chest cavity and the abdominal cavity. When you breathe, the diaphragm contracts downward, creating a movement that makes oxygen or air enter the lungs. This process is called inhalation. The opposite actually happens when you exhale carbon dioxide. When exhaling, the diaphragm relaxes upward, pushing the lungs to deflate air containing carbon dioxide.

Interference with Inhalation Process

There are some people who can't breathe normally because they have a disorder. Some inhalation disorders are:
  • Rhinitis

  • Rhinitis is inflammation that occurs on the inside of the nose, and is often triggered by allergies, such as allergies to pollen, dust, mold, or certain animal skin flakes. This condition causes symptoms of nasal congestion or runny nose.
  • Asthma

  • Asthma is characterized by swelling of the airway with increased production of sticky mucus in it. People who have asthma experience symptoms when the airways contract and constrict, or are filled with mucus. Some of the symptoms are frequent coughing at night, shortness of breath, chest tightness and pain. Usually, people who experience asthma will get medicine given through special devices or inhalers, to relieve coughing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness.
  • Dyspnea

  • This is a situation where you have difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. In this situation, you may feel as if you are not getting enough air. Sometimes you may experience mild breathing problems due to nasal congestion or during intense exercise. But, shortness of breath can not be considered trivial, because it can be a sign of a serious illness.
Inhalation disorders are things that can not be considered trivial, because breathing problems can have a serious impact on your health and even on your life. If you are indeed at risk of experiencing some of the respiratory disorders described above, it helps you avoid the triggers for these disorders. Some simple steps to avoid interference with the inhalation process are wearing dust masks when doing household chores to reduce the risk of exposure to allergens, avoiding furry animals, washing bed linen at least once a week, and routinely replacing your room's AC filter. Immediately consult a doctor if you experience symptoms of respiratory distress.
